High Tech Firms

Aerospace, Software, and Information Management Firms

How High Tech Firms benefit from IT Cleaning & Sanitizing

Reduced absence due to sickness

All absences are detrimental to productivity, but none seemingly more than engineers and scientists who are relied upon by their peers. Our Cleaning and Sanitizing services help reduce absences due to sickness by reducing the amount of pathogens on your equipment surfaces.

Increased personal hygiene and health

Successful departments and groups collaborate to most effectively address technical challenges and develop solutions.  Santizing equipment in the areas used helps keep the group healthy and productive.

Equipment longevity

High tech equipment is our specialty.  Cleaning inside computer workstations, servers, even blade cabinets will remove dust and help dissapate heat thereby giving your investment more life and more return on the dollar.

What we deliver

Our computer cleaning & sanitizing:

  • Kills 99.9% of germs
  • Reduces illness and decreases health risks among students and staff
  • Lengthens the life-span and performance of IT equipment
  • Are performed by our friendly staff
  • Is efficient and a great value

Hi Tech Industries Serviced

Micro Electronics
Software Firms
Cloud Providers
Tax Offices
Representatives Offices
Election Offices
Police Offices
Fire Departments

Frequency of Service

Monthly << Recommended for Courts and Public Services
Quarterly << Recommended for Offices