Hardware Auditing and Inventory

Hardware Auditing & Inventory

Hardware auditing is quickly moving to remote IP location software, but it has its limitations as well as substantial expense in some cases.   Besides being unable to track unconnected equipment, you may not have the granularity to desk, user, or department level. We can help tie in disparate data sources by conducting physical audits, gathering as much information as you require in an accurate and consistent format.

We create an Asset Inventory Report in a spreadsheet with your required fields.

Benefits of Hardware Auditing and Inventory

The Asset Inventory Report can benefit the following points:

  • Warranty tracking – an accurate asset inventory will give you insights to manufacturer warranties and information for warranty services
  • Regular auditing deters theft, and can be used to identify staff theft
  • Prevents over purchasing
  • Accurate asset inventory allows accurate budgeting, planning, and equipment end of life
  • Accurate asset inventory helps identify software licensing needs and costs
  • Manage 3rd party support needs
  • Can be used to reconcile with a logical audit
  • Identify older assets for maintenance purposes
  • Accurate deprecation for tax and insurance purposes
  • Identify leased equipment
  • Identify items to recover during employee turnover