Governmental Institutions

We service all types of government offices

Government office benefits from IT cleaning & sanitizing


Reduced absence due to sickness

Staff absences are detrimental to the providing services and meeting the demands of the public.  Keep staff healthier by providing cleaning and sanitizing of the equipment used in the workspace.

Increased personal hygiene and health

Visitors, members of the public, and constituents can bring in a wide range of pathogens exposing your staff and other visitors.  Sanitizing frequently touched equipment can drastically increase personal health and hygiene of everyone around.

Equipment longevity

Cleaning computer equipment by eliminating heat trapping dust can significantly increase the longevity of your equipment

What we deliver

Our computer cleaning & sanitizing:

  • Kills up to 99.9% of germs
  • Significantly reduces decreases health risks among staff and visitors
  • Lengthens the life-span and performance of IT equipment
  • Are performed by our friendly staff
  • Is efficient and a great value

Governmental Institutions Serviced

Administrative Offices
Welfare Offices
Tax Offices
Representatives Offices
Election Offices
Police Offices
Fire Departments

Frequency of Service

Weekly  <
Monthly << Recommended for Courts and Public Services
Quarterly << Recommended for Offices